So, I think it would be good for me to share a little about how we got to this point. We’ve gotten the question several times: Why are you adopting? Normal question, don’t mind being asked. Actually, I like being asked about the adoption.
Let’s go back to the early 90’s. Many of you probably remember seeing images of Romanian orphans after Ceausescu was executed. I was moved by those images, even when I was only about 11 years old. I also remember seeing several made-for-television movies when I was young (like ones you’d see on Lifetime) about orphans and foster care. And of course, Orphan Annie, who couldn’t love her! Picture above is of Romanian Orphans
Skipping forward several years to college, I went on a 2 week mission trip to Ukraine and Russia (Moscow area) with Eastern European Outreach. On this trip we visited several orphanages in both countries, and delivered Christmas presents, sang songs, gave testimonies, and just loved on the kids. I wanted to take several home of course, but thought it best to wait until I got married. At this time I was courting a nice guy named Keith, who had also just gone on a short mission trip to Latvia, with YWAM and visited a few orphanages in Riga. Well, several months later, after I graduated from college, Keith asked me to marry him, and then we spent the next 9 months apart – I back in Russia (Ulan Ude this time), and Keith in Slovenia. We were both working with Campus Crusade for Christ. I got to do a couple orphanage visits in Ulan Ude, but also had a little friend, a girl maybe 10ish, who would often find me on the street and beg for some of my food or drink. I would give her what I had on me, and she would drink from my water bottle. Eventually she came to our church, and as I got better with Russian, we conversed a little (very little really). She probably wasn’t an orphan, but I never saw her with family, just friends. I wanted to take her home and love and provide for her.
After those 9 months apart, Keith and I returned to the US, him to stay at his parents in Oregon, and I at my parent’s 4 hours north of him in Washington. We planned a wedding, took premarital counseling and classes (we wanted to be sure we were starting our right!:), and discussed children. We both wanted to adopt internationally at some point.
Skip ahead another 4 years, and we’re ready to have a child. We’re thinking we’re not ready to adopt – we need to practice a little on a biological child before we adopt a one year old and have no idea what happens that first year. I also thought I wanted to go through a pregnancy and childbirth, and see what the product of our funny genes turned out to be like. And, if we didn’t get pregnant, we would just go ahead and adopt.
Well, obviously we did get pregnant, and in April of 2006, had our son Koen. He was a great and easy baby, sleeping through the night at 9 weeks (I have to brag a little). We think he is perfect (except that sinful nature thing), and cute as can be. We would love to have another like Koen, but God has called us to adopt, put the desire in our heart, and we’ve excitedly decided to obey Him.
When we’ve dreamed of our family, we’ve pictured several ethnic groups represented. Adoption is normal to us, and actually really beautiful too. The thought of a child not having someone that wants them – and will always be with them, and will make eye contact and reach for them in a crowded room – that is heart breaking to us.Picture is of ophans in Vietnam
Adoption may be the noble thing to do – to rescue a child from poverty and abandonment, but you can’t adopt because it is noble, you have to adopt out of desire. We are as excited about this child and process as we were about Koen and pregnancy.
So, that is why we are adopting. Feel free to ask more questions if you’d like.Picture is of baby orphans in Vietnam
Sunday, August 5, 2007
*Why We Are Adopting
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 10:12 PM
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