Koen at Easter last year (just shy of 1)
As of yesterday, our baby boy is 23 months old. Once he's 2, is it time to start counting in years? I can't believe he's getting so big. As I was washing his hands in the kitchen sink today, I saw his warped reflection in the faucet. It made his face look rounder, and I remember giving him a bath in his baby tub in the sink, and watching him discover the faucet. So much change, so quickly!
Bathing in the sink (6 mo)
Here is Koen at our church Easter egg hunt last weekend. He had a fun time, and was understanding the concept of picking up the eggs and putting them in his bag. We don't allow him to eat candy yet, so Mama and Papa got to enjoy the sweets of his labor. But, he does enjoy playing with the plastic eggs.

Loving his new Easter bunny from Gramma.
Have a blessed Easter. HE IS RISEN INDEED!
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