We've had Keith's mom is town for a few days now, and the 4th was her birthday. She always gets so spoiled on her birthday with fireworks and all in celebration. :) Yesterday we took her to the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Koen enjoyed it for the most part, but wanted to ride more airplanes. They had a few the kids could "ride," but I think he really wanted to fly.
Then my mom joined us for dinner and we headed to a local fireworks show. Koen was up way past his bedtime, but did really well. It was fun to watch his reaction to the fireworks. He enjoyed the ones that "sparkled" in the distance, but once the show really began and it was close and loud, he got a little more nervous. He didn't cry, just got really solemn and quiet until the last few minutes. Watching him delight in something new like that always brings me so much joy.
The other day we took him to get his eyes checked. We didn't suspect anything was wrong, but doctors recommend even infants get checked now because if there is something wrong, it is much easier to correct it before they are school age. I was so impressed at how Koen did in there! He sat in the chair bravely, and put his chin on the little rest, watching the lights. He enjoyed looking at the pictures of different sizes as she determined his strength of vision. It was a moment for me to watch and be so proud of him, in awe of this little boy God has given me to call my son. I love him so much!!!
Today I love him, but I'm not so overwhelmed with that love. :) He is so grumpy from being up late last night. He cried for a 15 minute car ride because I didn't zip up his sweatshirt. I would have if I had known it would upset him so, but once I was driving I couldn't do anything about it. Then he cried when he spilled a little water on the floor, and again when his cake wasn't cut right......Thankfully it is nap time right now. I hope he wakes up happier.
I look forward to the day when Liv becomes an American citizen. She will be blessed to grow up in a free nation!
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