Sunday, January 18, 2009

*Premature Excitement

So, my post last week was a little premature. We thought it was the last of our paperwork, but we had a couple issues with our medical forms. We had to get them resigned, and add some letter explaining the medications we take, which put us back a couple days. On Thursday we dropped the last piece of mail at the post office, and on Friday our agency sent our last pieces of paperwork to the state to get authenticated. I believe that we should be DTC (Dossier to China) in the next couple weeks, but I'm not totally sure what all needs to be done.

I joined two yahoo groups about adopting from China - one for the special needs program, and one for adopting toddlers. We are still unsure what special needs we are open to, and are finding this is a good way to learn more about them from adoptive parents who have experience.

We went to the zoo with friends yesterday, and as we were walking through the tropical rainforest, and cute family with two young Asian girls and two very white parents walked next to us. I was unsure of how to ask, but really wanted to know, so I blurted out "Did you adopt?" The mom graciously answered, and was excited to hear we were adopting from China too. It went well, but my friends couldn't believe I had asked. The children could have been their grandchildren, or from a previous marriage, or foster kids.... Do you have any advice about how to ask without offending?

My other concern was that their girls were old enough to understand our conversation, and I didn't know how comfortable they were with talking about their adoption, or feeling like their family looks different enough to get these questions. The mother didn't seem to be concerned, but having not been through it, I'm not sure how to approach the subject with them listening. I probably shouldn't in the future, but I love, love, love to see adoptive families!


Tonya said...

You're almost there! Big step! Can't wait to see how your journey ends...

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