Saturday, September 29, 2007

*Didn't Come

Well, I am a bit disappointed that our dossier didn’t come back to our agency yet, and therefore didn’t get sent to Vietnam yet. I wanted to get it all sent and start our official wait in September, but October is pretty much here now. October 1st wouldn’t be so bad. We’ll see.

I was reading another adoptive family’s blog who has been in the process much longer than us, and found several good videos and articles from our agency from a while back. International adoptions in Vietnam closed for sometime in 2004, and this article written at the end of 2005 notes how hard that closure was on some orphans. Some had parents waiting for them in America, who decided to go elsewhere to get their children, leaving the Vietnamese orphan waiting. During the closure, our agency was one of the few to remain in Vietnam and do humanitarian work in the orphanages. They were also the first to get licensed again and arranged the first adoption when Vietnam reopened.
To read more, Click Here

This weekend my mom and sister are out of town and we are house-sitting to make sure the animals don’t starve. Keith’s mom, also came up for a visit, so we are all staying at my mom’s while they’re gone. It makes for an interesting weekend. A good friend and Keith cut down the huge dying tree in my mom’s front yard last night. Here’s some pictures of their adventure:


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