Christmas was nice this year. It was such a blessings to have a White Christmas, even though it did disrupt most of our plans in the days around Christmas. I was forced to slow down, which I think I really needed. We spent several days playing in the snow with neighbors who were also stuck at home. We played games, made Christmas cookies, read a great book.......I still felt busy enough, just less busy than I would have been had I made it to all the social events that were scheduled.
Some Christmas cookie decorating with Koen's buddy, Isaac
Everyone arrived safely, just a little later than planned, and we had a good dinner. After dinner we headed to church, but it was a little dissapointing as our church had cancelled it's service. We tried a new one near by and the music was so loud it hurt my ears (makes me sound old, doesn't it!!) Oh well, Keith liked it. After that we spent a couple hours opening gifts, and had a Happy Birthday Jesus cake.
The Dinner-L to R is Great-Grammi (92), Grammi (Kelly's Mom), Laurie, Kelly, Aunt Carrie, Grampa, Koen and Keith is the photographer.
Our desire was to have Christmas morning to ourselves, but we were up so late Christmas Eve that we slept in really late on Christmas Day, and only had time for breakfast and stockings, and a little bit of enjoying the gifts we got the night before. In the afternoon we headed for my aunt's house for a nice open house gathering she has yearly.
Christmas Day we had a few hours are home to ourselves - all Koen wanted to do was play with his new toys, not open more presents. He particularly loved the new play dough set.
Our new Advent tradition - with candles, The Advent Book, and the tree that gets an ornament every night. Koen enjoyed this, especially blowing out the candles.
One of Koen's favorite gifts - the 2 dollar pair of child scissors, was a necessity when opening every gift- weather it had a ribbon or not!
Koen got to the point that he was tired of opening presents! I think it was mostly because we wouldn't let him get some of the new toys out of the box, as he had plenty more to open and he needed to get it done. It seems like the cheaper, simpler gifts are what thrilled him the most: a glowing bouncy ball, a pair of scissors, and a flash light. He seemed to understand that we were celebrating Jesus' birthday. We didn't talk at all about Santa, and he didn't ask about him. We were able to focus on Jesus, and he talked about it often in the days leading up to Christmas. I'm so thankful for that. As Koen would excitedly say "Jesus was born!"
One cute story: One of the last gifts Koen opened Christmas night was a little box of train tracks that Keith had labeled "To: Koen, From: Monkey (Koen's favorite stuffed animal)." After he opened it, he gave Monkey a hug, said thank you and then asked us "What should we give Monkey?" Keith and I were trying to think of something to give Monkey, and Koen ran excitedly into the kitchen saying "Monkey needs a banana!" So, monkey got a banana for Christmas, and all were happy.
We stayed in Washington for Christmas this year. It's nice to be at home and not have to make the long drive to Oregon on Christmas Day like we've done many times in the past. Keith's family went to Boston to celebrate, so we spent the time with my family. Christmas Eve was spent at my Mom's like always. We had a little bit of trouble getting there. We have two identical white Subaru Outbacks that do great in the snow. I headed north to get my Grammi from her nursing home, and Keith and Koen headed south to pick up my dad who was stranded at his house. On Keith's way, he dropped Koen at my Mom's, and then only a few blocks from the house the car broke down. Most cars were stuck in the snow, but our car decided it was time for the clutch to give out. Some nice people helped Keith move it to a side street, and he waited for Tripple A to come, only to be told there were no available tow trucks. That was fine though, because I was able to get him after I dropped my Grammi off.
Everyone arrived safely, just a little later than planned, and we had a good dinner. After dinner we headed to church, but it was a little dissapointing as our church had cancelled it's service. We tried a new one near by and the music was so loud it hurt my ears (makes me sound old, doesn't it!!) Oh well, Keith liked it. After that we spent a couple hours opening gifts, and had a Happy Birthday Jesus cake.
Koen got to the point that he was tired of opening presents! I think it was mostly because we wouldn't let him get some of the new toys out of the box, as he had plenty more to open and he needed to get it done. It seems like the cheaper, simpler gifts are what thrilled him the most: a glowing bouncy ball, a pair of scissors, and a flash light. He seemed to understand that we were celebrating Jesus' birthday. We didn't talk at all about Santa, and he didn't ask about him. We were able to focus on Jesus, and he talked about it often in the days leading up to Christmas. I'm so thankful for that. As Koen would excitedly say "Jesus was born!"
One cute story: One of the last gifts Koen opened Christmas night was a little box of train tracks that Keith had labeled "To: Koen, From: Monkey (Koen's favorite stuffed animal)." After he opened it, he gave Monkey a hug, said thank you and then asked us "What should we give Monkey?" Keith and I were trying to think of something to give Monkey, and Koen ran excitedly into the kitchen saying "Monkey needs a banana!" So, monkey got a banana for Christmas, and all were happy.
Church with music so loud it hurt your ears?? That wouldn't happen to be EastLake would it??? :)
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