Angela tagged me. So now, I share 7 random facts about myself with the world. This is hard to do for someone who does much better when she is asked questions. Here goes:
1. I enjoy pulling my eyelashes and eyebrow hairs out. Weird, yes, but I heard recently that many obsessive compulsive people do this. I am not officially OCD, but then, maybe I am.
2. I have two cats who are quite opposite from one another, and do not get along. They were are first two adopted children. Luby is 6 and her gotcha day was when she was 6 months old. She likes to lick plastic and sleep on my neck at night. She will claw my face until I make room for her, and is quite persistent. She is so great with kids. Harley came home when he was 8 and is a Norwegian Forest cat. His previous mama died of cancer. He is the cutest, softest cat! He only likes me, and we have a relationship like no other. He gives me kisses and has the loudest purr ever. He runs from Keith and Koen.
3. I love word games, yet I have a terrible vocabulary. When I was in 8th grade I had a dream in which I had to think of as many compund words as possible. In english class the next day, that was the activity the teacher had us do (sounds like something 4th graders should be doing!). Victory! I've always loved Speed Scrabble and am now addicted to Scramble on facebook. My specialty is 2 and 3 letter words.

6. I was valedictorian of my high school class, along with 6 other 4.0 students. This may also surprise you, since I have such a hard time motivating myself these days. I'm not smart. I just worked really hard, and had a compulsive desire to impress others. I am very competitive. Now I live a little more under grace.
7. Last, but not least, all I can think about is The Office (a TV show for those of you who have more than 1 young children). It is hilarious. Keith and I just discovered it, even though it's been on air for several years. Most people love the show for its humor. I appreciate that, but I really enjoy watching the budding romance between Pam and Jim. We've been watching several episodes a night, and are almost done with season 2. I'm not sure what we'll do once we're done. I might have a breakdown. I'm calling Keith right now to see when he'll be home so we can watch more. Maybe I am OCD!

1. Jennifer
2. Jaimie
3. Meagan
4. Karin
5. Andrew and Amanda
6. Leslie
7. Rebecca
#1 Weird, I agree
#2 Luby is the most persistent cat ever. If you take her off you lap, she will jump up again, and again, and again, and again, and again...until you cry mercy.
Harley is not really a cat...we are not sure, but think he is a cross between a penguin and a bunny...or other odd creatures.
#3 Kelly is much better with words than she thinks.
#4 She is actually quite good still, and was on a masters club after Koen was born. In my expert eye, the best one on the team.
#5 This scares me.
#6 We can't really play cards as is it never ends with us hugging and jumping with glee. Kelly is competitive, I however, am not.
#7 Yes, we are addicted. I like Dwight. Ha ha, ha, ha ha...
Kelly! WOW!
I pull out my eyelashes too! It is a terrible habit! I don't feel quite as crazy now that I know I'm not the only one! :) Why is it so satisfying??
Scramble on facebook= best game ever.
AND Justin and I recently discovered The Office as well! :)
YaY!! Now...that was fun, wasn't it!? Thanks for playing! I LOVED reading your list and learning more about you!! SO SO SO FUN!! :)
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