Guess what I found in our mailbox today.....Our immigration approval already! And, now it is noted on the bottom that a cable was sent to Guangzhou, China. It's official! We really only had to renew our previous approval, as well as do a change of status from Vietnam to China, so that is why it happened so quickly.
Since we sent in most of our paperwork to the agency on Monday, all we are waiting on now is Keith's Birth Certificate and our medical exams. Keith saw the doctor today, and will see mine on January 7th. Then we await blood test results, and signatures, and our part should be done by mid January. We're making progress!
Friday, December 26, 2008
*Fun Mail
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, Immigration Approval, paperwork
Christmas Highlights
Everyone arrived safely, just a little later than planned, and we had a good dinner. After dinner we headed to church, but it was a little dissapointing as our church had cancelled it's service. We tried a new one near by and the music was so loud it hurt my ears (makes me sound old, doesn't it!!) Oh well, Keith liked it. After that we spent a couple hours opening gifts, and had a Happy Birthday Jesus cake.
Koen got to the point that he was tired of opening presents! I think it was mostly because we wouldn't let him get some of the new toys out of the box, as he had plenty more to open and he needed to get it done. It seems like the cheaper, simpler gifts are what thrilled him the most: a glowing bouncy ball, a pair of scissors, and a flash light. He seemed to understand that we were celebrating Jesus' birthday. We didn't talk at all about Santa, and he didn't ask about him. We were able to focus on Jesus, and he talked about it often in the days leading up to Christmas. I'm so thankful for that. As Koen would excitedly say "Jesus was born!"
One cute story: One of the last gifts Koen opened Christmas night was a little box of train tracks that Keith had labeled "To: Koen, From: Monkey (Koen's favorite stuffed animal)." After he opened it, he gave Monkey a hug, said thank you and then asked us "What should we give Monkey?" Keith and I were trying to think of something to give Monkey, and Koen ran excitedly into the kitchen saying "Monkey needs a banana!" So, monkey got a banana for Christmas, and all were happy.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 6:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Christmas, gifts, Jesus, traditions
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
I pray the Lord blesses you abundantly in the New Year. Thanks for following our adoption journey.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow Days
It's been so fun to be "trapped" at home this time of year. Our good friends, and our neighbors, who are also good friends, came over today for fun in the snow, and fun inside by the fire. Here's some pics.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: snow
Thursday, December 11, 2008
*Here's the News....
Alright, so now I have a few minutes to write and wanted to let you know that we are moving forward with China. We are very excited about. For the first time in a long time, things actually seem to be moving forward MORE QUICKLY than we expected. Because we had just updated our home study for Vietnam, our social worker was able to surprise us by having our China home study done in two days!! We expected this to take at least a month, not really knowing that it didn't require all new paperwork. That was a huge praise!We are going the special needs route with the China program through our agency, Faith International. This route works much different than the route for healthy children, where the wait is as long as 3 years now. Our whole process from now until we have the child home could be 9 months, or even less since our paperwork stage is progressing quickly.
We have done some research on what kinds of special needs we are open to. We are using the term "minor correctable special needs" in our paperwork, and can be more specific with our agency. They will then help us find the right child for us based on the age and special needs we have requested. The most common special needs that we are open to are cleft palate/lip, minor physical deformities like missing or extra digits..., sight or hearing weakness, skin conditions, minor heart conditions, Hepatitis B.....We are still requesting a girl, under the age of 2.
Our immigration forms are being sent to the US Consulate today. It is perfect timing because our Vietnam approval expires soon and we were needing to update our forms anyway. Anyone can have one free update and one free change of status, and you can do both at once. So, we are updating and changing our status to China, and will wait a few weeks for approval. Once we have our immigration approval, and all of our paperwork done, our dossier goes to China and our agency will start looking on the special needs lists for our child! Most of the paperwork we have done before. The most time consuming are things we need other people to help with - our medical reports, and employment letters..... The stress of paperwork is adding to the busyness of the season, but it's a good stress.
The Lord has given us peace about this, and is open doors along the way. Now we need Him to provide the funds, and help us find our daughter.
We are not giving up on Vietnam. If things open again soon, we may have to delay our Vietnam adoption, until our first daughter is home and adjusted. It would also be an even bigger financial stretch to do two adoptions, but if this is what the Lord has for us, He will provide. Liv is still in Vietnam, and I won't give up looking for her until the Lord tells me to.
We need a nickname for our Chinese daughter, and may have to start a new blog, since this one is obviously rather Vietnamese. Some nicknames we have brainstormed are: Pearl, LIA (Love in Asia - LIC just isn't cute, and LICh is worse:) and Mei Mei (which means little sister in Mandarin). Any other suggestions, or votes?
It is so great to see an end to this long wait for our next child in site! I have hope, and am also trying to guard my hope for fear of trials like we've had with Vietnam.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 2:24 PM 4 comments
Labels: China, immigration, paperwork, special needs
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
*We Have Exciting News
But sorry - you have to wait a little longer to find out. And, don't get too excited, it's not a referral.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 2:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
*Another Christmas....
I was just wallowing in adoption self-pity when I decided to blog. Entering our blog and finding my last post titled "Thankful" makes me feel even more guilty for my attitude. I want to be more optimistic and hopeful.
Last year at Christmas time, we hoped and prayed and dreamt of having Liv home by this Christmas, or at least seeing her face by this Christmas. I had planned to make her stocking some time this year - it would be red. I have the material, but it can wait another year.
Lord, we are tired of this wait. Please fill us with hope. Please guide our steps, and bring our child home soon. Please guide us to her. Please protect her and comfort her - surround her with love. Prepare us for each other.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Train Ride
This weekend we had a fun family outing. Koen got to go on the "Santa Train" - his first real train ride in his memory. He and Keith really enjoyed all the train stuff. The ride was short, but really the perfect distance for a two year old. At the destination, we skipped out on the Santa pics due to a long line, and enjoyed refreshments and a jumpy house. My mom and sister joined us.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: train
Thanksgiving Recap
I am having a hard time coming up with a way to express how our Thanksgiving was. Keith's mom and sister came up from Oregon to join my Mom and sister. My dad stopped by briefly. Keith made the turkey and gravy, and I did the stuffing and roles. Koen kept us pretty entertained, but he knew he was the center of attention.
All in all, it felt a little empty. My Grammi is too old and difficult to take out of her nursing home, so she was not present for the first time in my memory. And, Liv was noticeably missing as well. We have all had a rough year, and although I am thankful for many blessings even during the recent trials, we didn't discuss what we were thankful for, which is usually our tradition. I guess we just weren't in the mood.
The weekend was full of family activities. Enjoy the pictures.
Posted by Keith and Kelly at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Thanksgiving