Saturday, August 2, 2008

*10 Months

We are 10 months DTV today (actually since it is past midnight, it is the 2nd, so we are 10 months, one day.) When we started our wait, our agency predicted we would receive a referral in 10-13 months. So, we're in that window, only now it is closer to 15 months. I won't be jumping up when the phone rings just yet.

I found a new blog today, and cried as I read through the story of their little girl, Audrey Caroline. The blogger is an moving writer, and has amazing faith and heart. It is a heartbreaking story of a trial different than the wait we are going through now.


Leslie & Shaune said...

i read that blog often. she is amazing.

rjms said...

Our dossier is in Vietnam with Faith International, yet we don't have a referral either. My husband and I have two girls and are trying to adopt a girl from Vietnam. We are feeling discouraged as well and are trying to keep our trust in God that He will work this out.

Rich and Jill

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