Saturday, September 13, 2008

ABC Africa

I checked out the "documentary" film ABC Africa from the library and we watched it last night. It claims to be a documentary, but it feels more like unedited vacation/mission trip footage. An Iranian director traveled to Kampala Uganda in 2001 to film the AIDS orphans and an organization funded by the US government to aid the suffering Ugandans. I probably could have learned a lot more from the video, but the footage was great. They showed real life pictures and children living in poverty.

The Iranian group stumbled upon a couple from Austria adopting a toddler aged girl, and followed them for some time.

The most heart-breaking footage was of an AIDS hospital, where there was a room full of children - most of them toddlers. A woman nursed her dying child, another child - just skin and bones- cried and cried a raspy cry. I am sure he was in so much pain. Then there is a scene of a dead child wrapped in a blanket being tied to the back rack of a bicycle to be taken to whereever it is they take all these dead children.

The children I saw in those rooms are probably all dead now. It was filmed before ARV's reached Africa. Those children were hopeless. I can't imagine.

I think I would completely LOSE IT if I were in that situation, holding your innocent dying child, not understanding the disease, and having no hope for healing. Not being able to comfort them in their pain.

Lord, I praise You - You are victorious over death. Thank you for taking them from their misery and drying their tears. Please help us comfort and save those who are sick now or will be sick. Please stop this terrible disease!

I've got to do something!


Unknown said...

If you need a suggestion...You could do what we did? ;)

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