Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap

I am having a hard time coming up with a way to express how our Thanksgiving was. Keith's mom and sister came up from Oregon to join my Mom and sister. My dad stopped by briefly. Keith made the turkey and gravy, and I did the stuffing and roles. Koen kept us pretty entertained, but he knew he was the center of attention.

All in all, it felt a little empty. My Grammi is too old and difficult to take out of her nursing home, so she was not present for the first time in my memory. And, Liv was noticeably missing as well. We have all had a rough year, and although I am thankful for many blessings even during the recent trials, we didn't discuss what we were thankful for, which is usually our tradition. I guess we just weren't in the mood.

The weekend was full of family activities. Enjoy the pictures.

It's become tradition to head to a local nursery in search of the perfect family photo for our Christmas card. These weren't the selected photo, but it will be unveiled later this month.

Koen and his Grandmas


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