Wednesday, June 11, 2008

*I Get to Do Something Again!

Today we got an email from our agency asking all of the Vietnam waiting families to write a letter to the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam, requesting them to complete the adoptions of all who have their dossier submitted before July 1st. Our director is heading to Vietnam this weekend to meet with DIA officials to advocate for the continuation of Vietnam/US adoptions, and will take the letters with him.

I quickly typed up a letter and got it in the mail within an hour. It was nice to get to DO something again that might make a difference. Please pray this is an effective effort.

I've struggled with being sad every few days or so again. I feel like we're waiting in so many areas of our lives. I picked up "Successful Adoption, A Guide for Christian Families" by Natalie Nichols Gillespie and found a chapter on waiting. "Do not waste your wait time complaining about what you do not yet have, but instead make it your goal to ask God, 'Lord, what would you have me do during this wait time to draw me closer to you, to my spouse, and to the people you have placed in my life?' Ask Him do help you get the focus off yourself and onto the work He would have you do in the meantime."

I do want to make the most of this time. I know He has a purpose for it. I want to be a great Mom to Koen during the wait. I want to spend quality time with the Lord and grow closer to Him. I want to do the same with Keith. I want to devote myself to some kind of service to orphans while I wait. I want to spend time with my elderly Grammi, and the rest of my family, as well as do some traveling to visit friends and family that live further away. Maybe I will train and attempt a triathlon this summer- something I've always wanted to do. There are a lot of things I know I can do to keep myself busy and make this time purposeful. But, there is an emptiness in me, and I know I can't just fill it with busyness.

I turn 30 in 6 days. At 30 aren't you supposed to have life figured out? Have a plan? Know what God's calling for your life is? I am learning that my deadlines are not God's deadlines.


Unknown said...

Is this for just you to do for your agency or do you need letters from family and friends as well? This is the first that I am hearing of this approach which I will gladly send more letters, etc. PLease let me know if I can put my two cents in and write as well!!

Keith and Kelly said...

This particular letter was just for families under our agency, Faith International Adoption. However, the campaign from my June 1st post is for anyone. You can follow the link there. They mostly wanted people to contact their congressmen June2-4, but I am sure that letters after that date would help. Thanks for being involved in this effort, and for reading our blog. Blessings, Kelly

Unknown said...

I am a PAP as well and have been writing, faxing, emailing, calling, etc. (as well as my family and friends). I thought maybe this was a new "campaign" and therefore I would be glad help! Keep working- the time is NOW!

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