Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Potty Party

All this cancer talk and the google ads that are posted on my blog have changed from adoption themed to cancer themed. Let's see if I can get a whole new theme with this post!

Today is the beginning of Potty Training for us. It is also Koen's 2 1/2 birthday. We might celebrate if things are successful later tonight. I am following a book by Gary Ezzo called "Potty Training 1-2-3" and using advice from Dr. Phil's Potty Training in Less Than a Day program. I have set aside 3 days, and have used Baby Tad (Leapfrog) to role play. We are constantly checking to see if Koen is dry, rewarding when he is, and repeatedly getting on and off the potty if he isn't. He gets a double reward when he pees in the potty.

I am tired already, and my back hurts, but we have made progress in only 4 hours. Koen now knows when he is going pee! He can now tell me that he just went in the potty! Before today's rigorous repetition and fluid drinking, he was unaware of that feeling. And, for the most part, he has been happy during this process. However, the amount he pees has varied a lot. Sometimes there is about 1 teaspoon in the potty, and sometimes more like a half cup! If he keeps up the teaspoon amounts, he will need to go several times an hour! Maybe this is normal?

I am also learning that when he says "Mama, no getting me!" or "Mama, do coming in here!" that he has wet himself in his underwear. I'm perceptive, aren't I?:)

He is rather sugar loaded (I'm rewarding with jelly beans and he's drinking lots of juice), so we'll see how his nap goes.

This is new territory for me. I'd love advice if you have any.

Hopefully after nap and tomorrow, he will start to learn that he can control when he pees. We've gone through 11 pairs of underwear in only 4 hours, and I'm doing laundry so I can make it through the evening!


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