Saturday, July 5, 2008

*An Apology

My mom recently read our blog (she's not very computer literate, so she gets behind), and told me it made her cry. I didn't realize that this blog is giving you an inaccurate picture of how I am feeling much of the time. I often blog on a down day, when I am struggling with this adoption process, and needing the therapy of journaling. So, that means I am recording the hard days and not the neutral days. Please forgive me.

Honestly, most of my days are neutral. I try not to think too much about the current state of Vietnam adoptions. I am trusting the Lord in this process, and know He has what is best in mind for us and our children. I struggle most when doubt God's plan and want to take things into my own hands.

Really I am very thankful that we are in this process. I do have much hope that we will adopt from Vietnam. And, if not, I believe God has a child for us elsewhere.


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