Friday, July 25, 2008

Parent's Article

In the August issue of Parent's magazine, I stumbled upon an article on adoption, which featured a family that I have followed a little through their blog. There were 4 families featured, each from different adoption roads: domestic open, domestic semi-open, domestic foster care, and international adoption. The Good family has adopted two boys from Vietnam and then had a biological daughter very recently.

The article was informative and encouraging, with a healthy view of adoption. There were a few errors however. It stated "Be aware: international adoptions have declined during the past three years, and countries can suspend programs at any time (as Vietnam did recently.)" I hate this kind of misinformation. Yes, Vietnam is scheduled to close this September 1st, but it is not closed yet, and there is a lot of effort to keep it open, and a good chance it will reopen if it does close. I must have hope! Don't say Vietnam is closed, until it is closed.

Some people view the Vietnam situation as our self-righteous country messing everything up so that our children will grow up in an orphanage, with no hope of a family. Other's believe that Vietnam has some majorly unethical practices and need to clean things up before adoptions can continue. There are people out there who are trying to discourage international adoption as a whole, saying it is best for the child to stay in their own culture (it probably is, but of higher need is the need of a child to have the love and security of a family- usually not available in their own culture!!). I have to believe that our country has the best interest of American adoptive families, and the Vietnamese children. I have to believe that Vietnam truly cares about their children, and will do what they can to clean up the system and prevent child trafficking.

Just read up on UNICEF. Here's an interesting article. It's so discouraging that they are against international adoption, and have helped close Guatamala, and are now working on closing Haiti. They hope that closing international options will make domestic adoption grow in these countries. Are they seriously stupid? I'm not that informed, but aren't people in these countries struggling to raise their own biological children? How can a family take on another who has lost his parents? Sounds absurd to me. To deny a child a loving family in the US, in hopes that they will be adopted in their home country, when in reality they grow up in an institution, and end up on the streets or in jail?!!! And Angelina Jolie supports UNICEF? That's odd. I want to say more, but I shouldn't.


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